If you’re interested in your health and looking at doing something like the Zen Cleanse rainbow cleanse intestinal cleanse liver cleanse and want to know if it’s nonsense or the real deal, it will work.
When I found ZenCleanz – a brand created to support detoxification with high-quality natural enzymes- I had to see how my body would respond.

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It’s expensive it’s time-consuming whether you’re doing these solo packets we’re going to have to take one to three days to do them or you’re doing a full cleanse where it’s seven days fasting it’s an intensive procedure is it worth it? I just finished seven days of fasting no food just purely on the enzyme kit I’m going to share with you some of the results I had in this blog now. This is just my experience after buying and using the ZenCleanz Rainbow for the first time.
Detoxifying the Gut and Liver is Key to Your Health
Your gut is where your body absorbs nutrients, creates energy, eliminates waste, and contains over 100 million neurons that are connected to your brain. If your gut is out of balance, everything is out of balance.

The liver is responsible for over 500 bodily functions including storing and distributing blood, removing heavy metals, and breaking down toxins. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the liver is considered the most important organ for women’s health and their menstrual cycles, as well as detoxifying the body. With a sluggish liver, you will feel tired, depressed, overweight, have headaches, cravings, and poor digestion.
When the intestines and liver are functioning properly, digestion becomes easier, blood and nutrients reach every part of the body, waste elimination becomes regular, stagnation is eliminated, vitality increases, creative energy is amplified, brain fog disappears, menstrual cycles may be painless, and every emotional aspect of life begins to improve. Once you start healing the intestines and liver, everything else starts to fall into place! Colon cleansing and liver detoxification does transform almost any problem people have physically and emotionally. That’s why I love ZenCleanz so much.
What do enzymes do?
Enzymes are vital to your health; especially for detoxification. Enzymes are biologically active proteins found in living cells. Digestive enzymes and metabolic enzymes have separate functions in your body. Metabolic enzymes speed up chemical reactions within cells to detoxify and produce energy. Digestive enzymes are released along the digestive tract to break down food into nutrients and waste. Your body can produce both of these enzymes as they are needed if given the right environment to do so, but may not be enough.
Raw foods naturally contain enzymes that are essential for digestion and these enzymes are introduced into the body through the consumption of raw foods. The problem is that most bodies are deficient in enzymes due to poor diet, stress, sluggish livers, etc., making the digestion of raw foods difficult. So people opt for cooked foods because they are easier to digest. This is a great short-term solution but not being able to eat raw foods deprives your body of the nutrients it deserves.
Cooking destroys natural enzymes and when you eat cooked foods your body has to struggle to produce the enzymes it needs to digest them unless you supplement with enzymes to digest them. So the goal is to detoxify your body so you can digest raw foods that are rich in enzymes!
After years of nourishing my body with raw foods, I have seen the importance of enzymes. So of course, I was intrigued by ZenCleanz. I decided to try the ZenCleanz Rainbow Kit. This 7-day cleanse is designed to address the entire digestive tract and liver/gallbladder. I found seven days to be perfect for my body as women benefit the most from shorter detoxes during the follicular and ovulatory phases of the cycle. Often hormonal imbalances are the root cause of many health problems in women.
These ZenCleanz enzyme blends can remove unhealthy biofilms while promoting gut health. The enzymes “eat away” any obstructions from the intestinal walls and tissues.
Check the ZenCleanz Rainbow Kit
First of all, the quality and the make of the product are all plant-based. When you look at the ingredient list it’s just like blueberry powder, psyllium husk agar, apple, lemon, celery, papaya, kiwi, pineapple, just pure products that have just been fermented for a long time. You can tell them the taste when you eat these and drink these it’s not that bad said. I meant drink when you do the one cleanse which is at the beginning of the rainbow cleanse the strings become very thick initially so you have to drink them quickly and you feel quite full.
There are 10 sachets that you have to do in a day. It’s a full day’s work every half hour you’re doing something either drinking water or you’re taking one of these the liver cleanse much easier. It’s very straightforward it’s just liquid it’s not the whole day but it is most of the day. The goal of both of these products is to unite and help clean out your gut so this first one you do on the first day helps remove mucoid plaque and anything undigested. Their website has pictures of the plaques.

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Basically, for this one, it’s to target the liver and the gallbladder. For me, I released over a hundred gallstones that I saw and captured with both of these products. They encourage you to capture your waste product just to see what’s being released from you. I did it for my purpose to see what would come out. now I was surprised because I love a very healthy lifestyle and I want to help people heal themselves and even just to see how many gallstones were stuck in me as someone who takes care of themselves good sleep good diet good exercise good mental thinking and emotions.
How to use ZenCleanz Rainbow Kit?
The ZenCleanz Rainbow Detox Kit is a 7-day process. Follow the video instructions or the instruction document on their website.
Physical & Emotional Release
You will release a lot, that’s for sure. This cleanse is profound. It released years of waste and toxins that had built up in me. I like to do a liver cleanse at least twice a year. It’s easy and delicious, and the results speak for themselves.
What does the 7-day gut and liver cleanse look like?
My whole family, my mom my dad my brother and my sister are surprised just to see what comes out of them now in terms of results. For me, I feel so much lighter in my gut. Years ago, I had IBS irritable bowel syndrome so nasty gut issues that for the most part I’ve cured through lifestyle and diet. Being that said I feel so amazingly empty in my stomach my ability to digest just feels so wonderful now so it’s just really nice to have that peace of mind after this cleansing that my stomach’s reset I feel great.
I lost 10 pounds over the fast. I’m going to recover it pretty quickly but just a release of 10 pounds of whatever was holding on inside of me felt great.

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ZenCleanz Rainbow Kit, 7-day home detox program to kick-start your whole-body detox
When you get the kit itself it’s really beautiful inside it comes with a very nice little introduction and a whole schedule sheet to help you through days one two five six and seven all the stuff I’ve gone through it. When you get these bottles liquids to drink in between the days when you’re fasting and not taking any food in so they’ve thought of everything you’re going to need in this entire process.
Unlike most cleanses you see this one’s Chinese medicine based. So it’s targeting the five elements Earth element the spleen and the stomach the wood element being the liver an association with anger. It’s called forgiveness because forgiveness is the antidote to anger. Therefore, we’re trying to forgive release let go so a lot of the stuff incorporates uh an emotional component of “Letting Go” and releasing that which does not serve you. Earth is associated with overthinking and worrying stressing anxiety future thinking again liver anger, and stress to some extent as well.
We’re trying to help relieve an emotional. We’re doing an emotional cleanse as well as a physical cleanse to feel lighter and healthier overall.
I’d highly recommend this to anyone who’s trying to get healthy in their gut this is a two-for-one. It’s more expensive but I recommend doing it if you have the time money and energy to do it you need about a week to solidify on the days where you’re taking this stuff you’re gonna need the entire day.
I was drinking a lot of water on this day and had to pee a lot on the days. When you’re going to the bathroom if you want to collect the stools it’s difficult to do it if you’re not at home. So if you’re into that you have to be at home otherwise you’re just fasting through the day. You will have pretty good energy levels and a really good amount of satiation if you’ve ever tried fasting I’ve done a lot of fasting in my past.

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I usually get hungry get hungry at some point, especially over the seven-day period. I didn’t feel hungry the entire time I felt like something was more like an empty void and I just wanted to fill this space with something to do. Because these enzymes they’re very nutrient-rich. They provide a lot and they’re very filling and pull you up so this is the entire process. I wasn’t very hungry I want to make recommendations though, the ZenCleanz Rainbow Kit is much more intense it’s going to give you a way bigger effect. But if you only have two days to do it so you have a weekend you can still get this kit and just do them separately. Otherwise, if you want to focus on one or the other I would highly recommend the digestive one if you clear out the digestion. It’s going to help solve a lot of things.

If you know you have liver issues definitely, you should go for the liver. This is at the beginning of this cleanse the ZenCleanz rainbow kit and this is at the end of that cleanse the rainbow. What you want to make sure you’re doing is that you notice that there’s a huge window, it was about five days in between each one or four days, where if you don’t want to do that you don’t have to, you can just take this one for about two days take a break next week and come back do this one for about two days. So you can either do an intensive week where there’s a bunch of space where you’re just fasting and allowing your body to heal.
That’s what I did recommend with this ZenCleanz rainbow kit or you can just do it on a weekend for two days clean yourself out do yourself a huge favor, feel lighter, feel better, and improve your digestion without digestion power nothing works. You’ll be buying the most expensive organic foods you can be buying the best supplements if your body’s unable to absorb and assimilate and break them down in a nice environment they’re not going to be worth your time money and energy.
Overall, if you’re looking for a legitimate way to cleanse your intestines and not some nonsense marketing that’s gonna not do anything for you, I highly recommend this ZenCleanz Rainbow Kit.

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Check out the result with ZenCleanz Rainbow Kit
The ZenCleanz Rainbow Kit is powerful in so many ways. It’s probably the most powerful cleanse I’ve ever done! I love seeing the waste coming out of my body and testing it.
However, I am not brave enough to share pictures of what is coming out of my body. You can get a pretty good idea of what to expect from these pictures on the ZenCleanz website.
I have used the rainbow kit from Zen Cleanse the seven-day fermented plant-based detox based on Chinese medicine. I have started my first one, so, day one is the most intense, and day six is the most intense. I used a packet of the one powder to help with the intestines and they all have a timer label. The label is for 9 am and there’s a 10 11 12 so on.
My first portion of the day first drink is tasty it’s like a chocolate protein shake but it’s got a nice thickness. I collected my stools and checked. I live in an apartment I can’t just go outside and do this in a backyard so I went from like the toilet to the tub it was not a good situation of moving around bear with me on that I cleaned out of the toilet and the bathtub everything it’s done but um if you’re gonna do yourself try and do it mostly in the toilet and just contain it.
It is cool to get to see what is in there. I had my first bowel movement after starting the cleanse it’s been about 24 hours. I haven’t done the liver gallbladder one yet that one might yield some stones. When I had the first batch, a question I had before starting this was like “how much of the stool stuff that’s coming out?” Is that just the product itself when you look at the packets and how much you’re ingesting it’s very small amounts of powder.
I’ve seen my results. The consistency you’re not pooping out the powder like the stuff is going inside your intestinal walls and eating down all the residual residues and plaques. You’re always going to have plaque so even if you keep rerunning this ZenCleanz Rainbow Kit.
I think the goal is just to have just one consistent plaque color to show that you’re clean. The result is my stool comes out in different grades different separations different colors different thicknesses. That’s an indication that I could use another cleanse and just keep going until it all comes out into more of one consistent color and texture.
The second batch that came out of me. I don’t think this one was as eventual so to speak um very jelly like very smooth and very loose. This was the second piece that came out of me our third round coming out of me the separation with something here here whatever this is it’s coming out only stinks more huge separation whatever this is coming out that’s the third round and this is the fourth round coming out of me.
Remember I started this thing 24 hours fasted if it looked like there were some obvious discolorations and to tell you relative to how much powder I ingested very little those little packets had very little powder. This is not that like some of it is the enzymes coming out but just the vast majority of it is stuff from my intestines.
That which is aligning the walls that was undigested who knows how long it had been there. I gotta tell you my bowels feel so much better my stomach feels way better now too there’s just a massive improvement in my digestion since taking this ZenCleanz Rainbow kit and having all of this stuff come out of me.
I had the most liquidy batch I’ve gotten so far. They’re not getting prettier oh and this one smells horrible. You have no idea how nasty this one smells putrid. This one’s quite different from all the other ones it’s a lot harder and thicker I’d say there’s way more plaque and just still coming out of me.
After a few, you get less and less but this is just like pure plaque right here. This is very hard fibrous plaque very very thick.

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My Experience With ZenCleanz Rainbow Kit
The enzyme-based cleanse made me feel calmer after the cleanse, my digestion felt great and I could tell that I was digesting better because I had more energy! My stools looked great too. I also like to eat more raw foods than I have been eating. These foods are much easier to digest and feel better in my system.
During this whole 7-day home detox program, I lost about 10 pounds while doing the seven-day fast. Believe in me working out on day four or five while fully fasting you still have great energy like I didn’t get hungry the entire time. I was still able to train lightly though so it’s nice seeing like just losing the weight and getting leaner while doing this as well.
Please note that you usually need to do quite a few cleanses (especially liver cleanses) to get rid of toxins. I highly recommend doing them every 2 to 4 weeks until symptoms like allergies, acne, bloating, etc. start to subside
Want to kick-start your whole-body detox journey?
I really enjoyed the deep liver and colon cleanse with the ZenCleanz Rainbow Kit. If you’re interested in doing something like this you want to optimize your health as best as you can you can do the full seven days or you can just break them down into two three-day portions. It is the perfect package for newbies, convenient to use and easily integrated into a regular working schedule.